National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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National Bank Of Australia

111 Mollison Street and Cnr Jennings Street,, KYNETON VIC 3444 - Property No B0913

Classified: 11/12/1958



Former Colonial Bank Of Australsia

National Bank of Australia

60 - 62 Main Street,, MORNINGTON VIC 3931 - Property No B6415

Built in 1889 to the design of the prolific Melbourne architect, George Jobbins, this former Colonial Bank is regionally significant as the major symbol of the 1880s boom era in Mornington, complete with all of the rich cement detail associated with that era's architecture. This together with the nearby Grand Hotel were easily the grandest commercial premises in the shire. The bank elevation which is typical of George Jobbin's work is among the more sophisticated 19th century ... more

